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Suckers by Z. Rider

Suckers: A Horror Novel - Z. Rider

Musician Dan Ferry gets bitten by a bat-like creature and starts to feels different during the days that follow. He got nasty headaches. And, a buzzing feeling every time he touches another person. But the most worrying part his growing need for human blood...


I actually came to enjoy this book towards the end and that is more than I expected, especially since I was thinking of giving up on the book for a long while. I just hard a damn hard time getting into the story, what made me keep reading was pure stubbornness and the fact that Dan and Ray's friendship throughout the book was really great. I just wish the story had been better. In the beginning I listened to the book and then I went over to read it as an ebook and I was skimming a bit just to get through the boring parts. But somewhere along the way the book got better and better.

Unfortunately the beginning and most of the middle was just not that interesting. Dan got bitten by a "vampire bat" and started to change and get a taste for blood. Ray never gave up on his best friend and stayed by his side and helped him. Then, came the part when more and more people were attacked and suddenly the story takes a dystopian turn and that is when I start to really like the book. The ending is a bit sad.

I'm glad I never gave up on and continued to read the book. It may have been slow in the beginning, but towards the end the story improved enough to make it enjoyable to read.


I received this copy from the publisher through NetGalley in return for an honest review! Thank you!