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A Spell of Vengeance (Thieftaker Chronicles, #0.5)

A Spell of Vengeance - D.B. Jackson

Ethan Kaille is a thieftaker and also a spellcaster who conjure spells that helps him solve crimes in Colonial Boston. Being a conjurer isn't something the law sees kindly on so he gets a bit taken back when the sheriff asks him to help two merchants who has trouble with a sea captain who is threatening their lives. But he soon finds out that the merchants have not told him everything...


I think I'm a tiny bit in love with Ethan Kaille, just look at the cover to this prequel to the first book and also the cover to the first book that I added *swoon*...I know, I know, looks isn't everything, thank heaven then that he is a really interesting character also!



I was glad to read this prequel since that got me a chance to see if this series is any good, now I'm really looking forward to getting my hands on the first book...and the second and so on...


Thanks I for the link to the short story