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Star Trek: City on the Edge of Forever

Star Trek: City on the Edge of Forever - Bob Woodward, J.K. Woodward, Scott Tipton, David Tipton, Harlan Ellison

I thought that Star Trek: City on the Edge of Forever would be a graphic novel about the episode. What I didn't know was that it would be instead a graphic novel of Harlan Ellison's Star Trek teleplay script; “The City on the Edge of Forever”. I may have glossed over the fact in my joy of finding a Star Trek graphic novel on Netgalley...



What about the graphic novel then? 


I loved it! I loved the story, I loved the changes in the story from the episode I have seen to the version Harlan Ellison has written. I mean the episode is epic but damn it, this graphic novel is just as good and frankly in some way better because it isn't restricted to a time limit instead it can have many more wonderful scenes (I do miss Kirk's explanation for Spock's ears to the policeman)...


The art?


Breathtaking! I mean it's so gorgeous and so well drawn that every expressen on Spock and Kirk's faces is just perfect, it's almost uncanny watching the art and seeing how well the expressions are drawn.


The verdict?


5 stars! I want this volume, I need this volume!  


Thank you Netgalley for providing me with a free copy for an honest review!