I hope everyone had a grand Jan 24th National Readathon Day! I didn't read that much, mostly because I wasn't in the mood and had other things to do, planning for a rare friendly social evening! But I love this idea! But then again most of my days are a Readathon day! LOL!
I know everyday is national readathon day for book lovers, but we can still raise awareness for the lost
Read a book, or two!
Go to your TBR shelves, oldest shelved and pick. Or walk over to your bookshelves, close your eyes and point...
Breathe in your old friend, or new
Go on a walk, have a picnic with your book!
Become so immersed in the pages
That the outside world fades away. Don't be afraid of what's on the other side...
Don't forget
So grab a book, and let's get back to our first love ♡
Take #timetoread #shelfawareness