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Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command

Darth Vader and the Lost Command - W. Haden Blackman, Rick Leonardi, Dan Green, Wes Dzioba

Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Lost Command was a good read, but I had some small issues with, for instance the art was good...most of the time, but the dreams/visions where not as good as the rest, but I can understand that the dreams/visions did have to have another kind of art so it was easier for the reader to understand that this was not present time (Well honestly if you failed to realize that you couldn't really have understood the story very well...) I just wish the art could have been a little bit better!

The story was OK, interesting enough to read, but not as interesting as Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison. But I liked the fact that Darth Vader was shown a lot of time without his mask. That was cool. But I'm also a bit confused how he could breathe without his respirator? I mean I can understand how he could do it for a short period at time, but towards the end he was without his helmet for a long time as the image shows:

4 stars