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Two Scoops of Hooah! The T-Wall Art of Kuwait and Iraq

Two Scoops of Hooah!: The T-Wall Art of Kuwait and Iraq - George Hauer, Robin Whitney

To be perfectly honest I kind of accidentally requested this book when I was checking the book on my iPad. But after I was granted access to this book did I think "What the heck it could be interesting."


Even though I'm not a fan of war was it a bit interesting to see how soldiers decorated T-Walls. I had actually never heard of a T-Wall was before I read this book so now I have learned something new. The part I liked the best in the book was the memorial part when T-Walls was decorated after solders that had been killed. It was a heartwarming tribute to fallen comrades.

Here is some example of T-Walls:


Title on Publisher's Website


3 stars


Thank you Netgalley for providing me with a free copy for an honest review!