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VHS: Video Cover Art

VHS Video Cover Art: 1980s to Early 1990s - Thomas Hodge

I think anyone growing up in the 80s will love this book. Well if you are a movie fan of course, but who isn't? It was a quite nice to browse through the pages and look at all the wonderful (and sometimes quite weird) covers. Mostly are these movies I have never seen, hell mostly never heard of and I thought I was a movie buff. But it was great to read through this book and I got a bit nostalgic. Just think it wasn't many years ago I had a collection of VHS now I just have a couple left...


Here are some covers from the book, I will just pick some random ones. I did take a lot of screencaps and I can't post them all...:P




I have actually seen The Survivor and Fire and Ice...lol


 3.5 stars

Thank you Netgalley for providing me with a free copy for an honest review!