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The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest by Denise Mina

The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest - Andrea Mutti, Leonardo Manco, Denise Mina

I was curious about this graphic novel since I loved the book trilogy. This is third and last graphic novel, but I have read the book so I didn't have any problem reading The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest. 


What I did have problem with was the art, it was really terrible. It's like who cares about the art, the story is good in itself. I would never ever buy this graphic novel despite how much I love the book. Not even the cover is any good. 



Also let's not forget that this is based on a 700 pages long book and it's been a while since I read the book, but I bet that quite a lot of the books story had to be left out or simplified. Which is really bad, because the book is good.


I gave it 3 stars because the story in itself is good even in this scaled down version. Would have given it an extra star if the art had been better.


So read the trilogy before reading the graphic novels!


I received this copy from the publisher through Edelweiss in return for an honest review!