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Michael Landon The Career and Artistry of a Television Genius by David R. Greenland


I'm actually a bit surprised how much I came to enjoy this book after I discovered that this book was not so much a Michael Landon biography as a study of Landon's work both front and behind the camera. This should teach me to check what I request from NetGalley a bit more careful. But then again I did request this book when I was more eager to get books and had less cautions to pick books that I probably would like. Safe to say; I have quite a lot to read now thanks to me being a bookaholic and a period of request madness.

Anyway, this is not a book if you want a biography of Michael Landon. What this is instead is a book about his work as an actor, writer and director. Of course, much of the books is about Bonanza, Little House of the Prairie and Highway to Heaven. And, projects he did before Bonanza and between the series. He did not start to write until he got the role of Little Joe on Bonanza, but that was the start of a long career both front and behind the camera. I found the Little House of the Prairie and Highway to Heaven part of the books most interesting. That, despite the fact that I have never seen Highway to Heaven. I had thought I would find the part not that interesting and I was fully prepared to skim read the part, but I enjoyed it quite much and now I really want to see the series. Strangely enough, I found the part about Bonanza, not that interesting, but I was more of an Adam fan than Little Joe and I stopped watching Bonanza after Pernell Roberts left the show.

I would have loved to read a biography about Michael Landon, but this one was quite good despite being just about his work. It was not a thick book so it didn't take so long to read it and I was surprised how much in the end I came to like the book. It really showed me another side of Michael Landon.


Thanks to Bear Manor Media and NetGalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!