Kristine Rush and her fiancé Daniel is traveling through the Mojave Desert on their way to visit Daniel's mother. But then Kristine discovers that Daniel has been kidnapped after a stop at a restroom and now she must follow the instructions of the person that took Daniel if she wants to see him alive again...
I had before I read Swerve read a lot of positive reviews of the book, so after finishing quite a heavy book, did I decide that I would go for Swerve since I felt I needed to read something intense and thrilling. I just hoped that the book wasn't overhyped.
I had some problems getting into the story, in the beginning. I just couldn't really connect to it, it didn't feel that special to be honest. I felt that I lacked a thrilling intro and I didn't even feel that this was something special when Daniel got kidnapped and she had to drive off to save his life. I wonder if I didn't already subconscious suspected the big twist that would come a bit later and that's what made me less than thrilled about the story. Yeah, the BIG twist. I saw that a mile away and I was a bit frustrated about how easy it was to figure it out and that the author had actually in the end gone for that.
However, it was then the book turned around and become good (or at least, better), because now Kristine really got to show that the kidnapper had really started to mess with the wrong woman. Now, her past is revealed to the readers and she starts to really fight for what's precious to her. And, that's the best part of the book. I really came to like Kristine when she showed just how furiously she can be when pushed too far.
So was the book overhyped? A bit without a doubt. But still, the book turned out quite good, thanks to a superb heroine!
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!