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Harley Quinn and Her Gang of Harleys

Harley Quinn and Her Gang of Harleys - Jimmy Palmiotti, Frank Tieri Harley Quinn decides to test her Gang of Harley by pretending to be kidnapped, unfortunately, they find out that it's a test (after spending a lot of time "looking" for her), but of course, then Harley gets kidnapped for real by a real psycho. Now the Harley's have to save Harley for real...

I must admit that it has taken me some time to warm up to the Harley's, but now with this volume have I finally started to like them and I quite enjoyed reading this volume. Now, the villain, the psycho who kidnapped Harley is a bit pathetic, a rich wannabe Harley Quinn who is pissed off because she failed the audition to join the Harley's. Still, the volume was good, despite not having a cool villain to fight off, thanks to Harley and her gang.


I want to thank the publisher for providing me with a free copy through Edelweiss for an honest review!

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