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Blood Runs Cold (Charnwood Large Print)

Blood Runs Cold (Charnwood Large Print) - Alex Barclay I must admit that I'm a bit disappointed with the book. It got better towards the end, but 2/3 of the book felt like not much happened besides Ren interviewing people, funny banter between the cops and the agents, Ren sleeping with someone she shouldn't sleep with etc.

It just didn't happen so much to the case with the dead female FBI agent, until the very and I tell you the end is good really good because then something from Ren's past was revealed and I got an explanation for the very first chapter. So, thanks to the ending the rating went up, because then I got a clearer picture of Ren and it also finally reveal what had happened to the murdered FBI agent. I was also a bit sad because someone I like didn't make it, someone that didn't deserve to die.

But this book was just not as good as Harm’s Reach, it just lacked a really good story and I missed Ren's friend Janine that appeared in the book. I hope the next book is better and I hope to see Janine in if not the next book some book later on.